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Anti-Semitic Incidents ‘Dismay’ University of Wisconsin

The University of Wisconsin at Madison released a statement Tuesday responding to three recent anti-Semitic incidents on campus, stating it...

Every Woman Deserves a Financial Education

With a college education being the first large financial investment for many students, institutions should be responsible for helping students develop financial literacy skills, writes Beth Hwang.

University of Michigan Removes Protest Encampment

The University of Michigan removed a camper, tent, signs and other items set up to protest the administration’s handling of...

The Dollar-a-Lot Program: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of North Carolina at Asheville Week: Patrick Bahls, professor of mathematics, looks...

Defying a Gendered ‘Narrative’

A new study challenges what’s known about gender bias in letters of recommendation for academic science jobs.

Brigham Young Turns Down $88M in Federal COVID-19 Funds

Brigham Young University declined $88 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds, The Deseret News reported. BYU has not applied for...

Colleges Divest From Russia

Few institutions are heavily invested in Russian assets, but college officials say divestment is one symbolic step that institutions can take to protest Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

What This President Learned Teaching High School Students

Michael Roth writes about how he personally experienced the important things that can happen when you distribute opportunity more widely.