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Salary Pecking Order

Ever wonder how many reference librarians it would take to earn the pay of a football coach?

Detectives at Office Hours

Pomona professor and academic leaders object to way he was questioned by 2 agents -- one of whom is on anti-terror task force.

Counseling Crisis

Colleges face legal backlash when they bar students who report suicidal feelings or other serious psychological problems.

Chicago's Next President Is Outsider-Insider

One choice facing search committees for college presidencies is whether to go with an inside candidate (promoting a provost or...

Black Eye for the Buckeyes

NCAA puts Ohio State on three years’ probation and penalizes former basketball coaches for misconduct.

Appeals Court Revives Harassment Suit

Federal panel finds evidence for woman to proceed with claim over Georgia's handling of rape allegations involving athletes.

Senate Ups the Ante

Budget blueprint offers more money for Education Department and NIH than President Bush proposed.