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Real Pay Increases for Professors

Salary gains outpace inflation after 2 years of declines, AAUP finds. But survey also notes growing gaps among disciplines.

The Students Weigh In

Loan scandals are just barely on many students' radar screens -- but say the word "loan," and they care (at least a little bit).

Matching Tests to Their Purposes

Report warns states not to misuse college admissions and placement tests in assessing student learning.

Round 2 on Stem Cells

Senate debates 2 bills -- one that would relax federal restrictions and one backed by President Bush.

When Discussions Change Minds

Study finds campus dialogue with racially diverse participants altered student views -- but conversation among those with differing views didn't.

'The Power of Privilege'

Conventional wisdom and plenty of books tell a story of how the post-World War II years saw a great shift...