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Faculty Rights, Post-Katrina

AAUP reviews how much flexibility colleges should get when disaster strikes -- and one dismissal with little apparent link to the hurricane.

The Technology Mosaic

Harvard announces plan to create engineering school as Stanford and others join push toward interdisciplinary work.

Less Leeway for Religious Colleges

U.S. appeals court ruling narrows an exception giving them broad latitude in labor decisions governing "ministerial" employees.

Florida Isolationism

Professors say legislation to limit their travel to "terrorist states" will hurt academic freedom, but Jeb Bush likes the idea.

Show Them the Money

Juniata College increases alumni giving by sending all the donations to students.

N.Y. Approves Tougher Rules for For-Profits

State regents raise standards for commercial institutions, but seek alternative to 'tax' on the colleges to fund enforcement.

Unwanted Export?

New online university promises to send great education from U.S. to developing nations, but critics fear it's a new diploma mill.