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The Stuff Factor

Students, increasingly the target of retail marketing, are bringing more to their dorms.

U. of Phoenix Case Lurches Toward Trial

Federal judge declines to dismiss lawsuit accusing the mammoth university of defrauding the federal government of many millions of dollars.

A Ranking That Would Matter

Political science journal publishes plan that would let would-be graduate students evaluate programs on something more important than reputation: whether they can land a good academic job.

Course Shopping and Its Meaning

As debate grows over whether students are adding and dropping too many classes, study of L.A. community college district offers in-depth look at data.

How This Year's Frosh Will Make You Feel Older

The class of 2011 is arriving at campuses all over -- and inspiring plenty of professors to wonder why the...

New Rankings Controversy -- Over Community Colleges

Washington Monthly, known for ratings that tweak U.S. News, devises formula to pick top two-year colleges -- and methodology is promptly attacked.