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God, Fashion, Affect

What's hot and what's not (theory?) at the book exhibits of the Modern Language Association.

Rethinking Work

At MLA meeting, panelists consider new ways to frame adjunct issues, as well as issues related to service requirements and new attempts to bridge the tenure-track/non-tenured divide.

When a Bond Vote is Contested

Appeals court ruling that a California community college district followed guidelines in presenting measure may have implications for other institutions in the state.

Upgrading to Philosophy 2.0

Philosophers discuss how to adopt technologies that could improve individualized instruction and upend the way scholars publish their work.

A Moderate MLA

The Modern Language Association frequently helps out its critics with provocative session titles and left-leaning political stands offered by its...

How to Tell Whether Writing Instruction Works

At MLA meeting, programs' directors see shift away from theory and toward concrete efforts to measure their efforts and figure out if they are effective.