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The Senate Sheds Education Aid

In reshaping stimulus package to win moderate votes, lawmakers ditch college facilities support and slash education funds for states in half -- but Pell stays in.

Turmoil Over 70 Faculty Layoffs at Clark Atlanta

While not declaring financial exigency, university gets rid of significant share of professors. Classes called off today to allow for reassignment of courses of dismissed professors.

Students Help Students Study Abroad

Monies for overseas education can be meager. At some colleges, student fees of $5 to $14 are providing a significant pool of aid.

Shaking Up the Community College Concept

CUNY's plans to create a new two-year institution, with a core curriculum and requiring full-time enrollment, represents a dramatic shift in the model -- attracting much enthusiasm and a few raised eyebrows.

Square Peg, Round Hole?

Some in Connecticut question wisdom of the governor's plan to merge the state's technical high school and community college systems.

Backtracking Brandeis President: 'I Screwed Up'

President Obama has given college presidents a management strategy for controversy: admit it when you screw up. Jehuda Reinharz, president...