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Split Results in Texas on Evolution

Opponents of teaching evolution failed Thursday to require Texas schools to teach the "weaknesses" of evolutionary theory, but they succeeded...

Rogue Compliance Officer

NCAA penalizes Texas A&M at Corpus Christi for multiple rules violations, including those of an official who allegedly sought to conceal infractions from the NCAA in exchange for money.

At Two-Year Colleges, a Year of Language

City Colleges of Chicago system proposes foreign language requirement for all associate of arts students.

John Hope Franklin Dies at Age 94

John Hope Franklin -- a leading historian during the last century and a pioneer in African-American studies -- died Wednesday...

How to View the Market

In podcast interview, TIAA-CREF investment guru shares perspectives on the economic mess -- and how it may change (or not change) the strategies of academics at all stages of their careers.

Budget Battle in the Offing

Democratic leaders in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives took starkly different approaches Wednesday to the budget resolutions they...

For Some People, Large Salaries and Large Raises Continue

Even amid the cuts and tight budgets of this economically devastating year for higher education, the University of California is...

Colorado College Drops 3 Teams, Including Football

Colorado College has announced plans to cut three teams from its athletics program: football, softball and water polo. In an...