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Dealing With Graduate School Rejections

Applicants and programs need to improve rejection letters and how they are handled.

The white-columned facade of the U.S. Supreme Court

Selective Admissions on Trial

The Supreme Court decision on affirmative action is yet another reminder that emulating Harvard is—and always has been—a fool’s errand, John R. Thelin and Richard W. Trollinger write.

A person with a screen for a head displaying "ChatGPT" writes "welcome to class" on an orange wall.

Professors Craft Courses on ChatGPT With ChatGPT

While some institutions are banning the use of the new AI tool, others are leaning into its use and offering courses dedicated solely to navigating the new technology.

The Week in Admissions News

UNC board changes admissions; hiring policies on race; Occidental ends legacy admissions; NACAC acquires Character Collaborative; Education Department discharges loans of 7,400 CollegeAmerica students.

Report Proposes Focusing Pell Grant on Living Costs, Not Tuition

The Pell Grant should be redesigned to cover a student’s living costs instead of an institution’s tuition and fees, a...

Western Illinois Seesaws on Diversity Scholarship

Western Illinois University is reinstating scholarships for incoming students of color that it scrapped earlier this month in response to...
Students face President Mary Dana Hinton on stage in the Hollins University Rathskellar.

President Soothes Student Stress with Stories

To support students’ mental health near finals at Hollins University, President Mary Dana Hinton created a bedtime stories event, reading to attendees from familiar children’s books over snacks.

NCF Recruiting Bonuses Raise Legal Questions

New College of Florida interim president Richard Corcoran offered $5,000 bonuses to staff members who hit an enrollment target of...