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Yale Slams Police Union ‘Survival Guide’

The Yale Police Benevolent Association, a union representing Yale University’s campus police, handed out pamphlets to freshmen containing “disturbing and...
An image of a computer screen bearing the words "Direct Admissions" with a ladder and a graduation cap perched atop the screen

Direct Admissions Boosts Applications, but Not Enrollment

Large-scale study finds that guaranteeing free, simplified admission increases college applications from minoritized, low-income and first-gen students, but cost still deters them from enrolling.

George Washington U Will Arm 2 Officers

Despite student pushback, George Washington University is moving ahead with plans to arm some of its police officers, the institution...

New Report on Hispanic-Serving California Community Colleges

A new report released by the University of Southern California Race and Equity Center explores the role of Hispanic-serving community...

3 Questions for Kevin McClure on ‘The Caring University’

A conversation about the book Kevin is writing on the university as a workplace.

Biden Administration Moves Forward With New Repayment Plan

Student loan borrowers can now apply for the Biden administration’s new loan repayment program, and the Education Department is working...
In the style of a Peanuts cartoon, a dean sits with his feet up on a light blue booth with the words "Campus Engagement" above his head and "The Dean Is In" under his feet.

Campus Engagement Tip: Make It Easy to Ask an Administrator

The dean of students from the King’s University College in Ontario sets up regular drop-in meetings for students to talk, ask questions and connect with him.

Face Mask Requirement Reinstated at Atlanta College

Morris Brown College in Atlanta is requiring students and employees to wear face masks on campus for the next two...