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Pages of new lawsuits against colleges fly out of a printer atop the U.S. Supreme Court building, all on an orange background

A New Legal Blitz on Affirmative Action

Challenges to race-conscious policies are surging in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action, including a new lawsuit against West Point.

Michael Smith's Abundant University

Embracing Technology to Advance Equity

A Carnegie Mellon professor argues that higher education needs to embrace technology to help break down barriers to entry for students.

A pay stub showing someone who was paid in experience.

A New Campaign to End Unpaid Internships

Research by NACE shows that paid internships benefit graduates far more than unpaid ones. Now the organization is pushing for legislation to ban the latter.

A close-up of a pink highlighter being used to highlight the entry for "left-wing" in a dictionary.

Higher Ed, We Have a Problem

It’s time we start grappling with left-wing bias on campus and the problems that’s created for higher education, Billie Wright Dziech writes.

Patty Goedl, a light-skinned woman with long brown hair, teaches accounting at the University of Cincinnati at Clermont.

Professor Writes Open-Access Textbook to Promote Affordability

Patty Goedl, an accounting professor at the University of Cincinnati at Clermont, spent three years developing her own textbook to mitigate student costs.


College Rankings: The Tail Is Frantically Wagging the Dog

It’s time for colleges and universities to find new ways to prove their worth.

A Glimpse Into the Class of 2027’s Mind-Set

In 2005, the year most of this fall’s first-time students were born, Dan Rather retired, Pandora was created and Hurricanes...
One of eight students is highlighted

A ‘Lost Generation’ of High School Graduates

Significant numbers of the 2020 high school graduates who didn’t enroll in college immediately that year still have not found their way into higher education, a new report finds.