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After voting, the young adult man proudly sticks an "I voted" sticker to his shirt.

Dos and Don’ts of Political Engagement and Student Voting

In preparation for the 2023 and 2024 elections, higher education practitioners should be aware of the ways they can or cannot encourage students’ political activism and rights as voters. An American Council on Education brief offers five ways to support student voting.

Morgan State to Build Barrier Around Campus

Morgan State University in Baltimore is planning to surround the campus with fencing after a shooting injured five people, including...
A building on Emporia State University's campus.

Emporia State Cut Tenured Faculty. Enrollment Plunged.

Correlation doesn’t equal causation, but the Kansas university’s head-count troubles have worsened. Might other institutions following its example see a similar fate?

New Accounting System Causes Bill Backlog at U of Washington

The University of Washington is behind on its bills due to issues related to a new accounting system implemented over...

NE Iowa Community College President Placed on Leave

Northeast Iowa Community College president Herbert Riedel has been placed on administrative leave for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, local...
Five health-care professionals are seen from above, collaborating.

Tomorrow’s Health-Care Workers and Leaders Need Interprofessional Education

When health-care education programs train students to be good collaborators, the entire health-care system improves—and can be greater than the sum of its parts, writes physical therapy professor Norman Belleza.

Washington & Jefferson to Receive $50M Gift

Washington & Jefferson College will receive a gift of approximately $50 million to support student scholarships, the institution announced Wednesday...

Independent Panel Downgrades Kansas Sports Violations

The independent panel the National Collegiate Athletic Association uses to adjudicate complex and disputed infractions cases on Wednesday downgraded the...