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How K-12 Book Bans Affect Higher Education

Some educators fear removing controversial books from the K-12 curriculum will harm student development and critical thinking—and rob them of the cultural capital colleges expect them to possess.

SUNY Fredonia Senate Releases Statement on Stephen Kershnar

The University Senate Executive Committee at the State University of New York at Fredonia released a statement this week condemning...

Helping Single Moms Finish College

A new program in Chicago gives single moms who enroll in college a monthly $500 stipend to spend however they want. Other efforts are emerging to boost the graduation rate of student parents.

College President Lambasted for Comparing Student to Hitler

The president of Highland Community College in Kansas, Deborah Fox, has been widely criticized for comparing a Black student athlete...

The Public on Universities and COVID-19

Less than half of the general public in six developed nations believes that universities have been important in helping the world through the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a global survey.

Lawsuit by Haskell Student Journalist Settled

Haskell Indian Nations University, a tribal institution in Kansas, on Tuesday settled a federal lawsuit by a former editor of...

University of California to Settle Sexual Abuse Cases

The University of California system agreed to a $243 million payout to settle hundreds of sexual abuse claims against James...

HBCU Bomb Threats as White Supremacist Violence

​The bomb threats against historically Black colleges and universities last week are yet another instance of white supremacy and terrorism, David G. Embrick and Johnny E. Williams write.