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Aiding Needy Students -- By Ending Pell?

Senate tax hearing dominated by expressions of support for need-based assistance -- and an innovative but controversial proposal.

Scientific Remedies

Experts agree that the U.S. is heading toward a potential crisis in research competitiveness -- and offer some solutions.

Proxies for Race

Wayne State law professors will vote on new admissions approach after Michigan nixed affirmative action. Are they being creative or evasive?

Rethinking Racial Classifications

Draft of U.S. plan attracts significant opposition from some colleges, with experts raising issues of fairness and accuracy.

Can You Say NACIQI?

U.S. advisory panel on accreditation signals that it plans to ramp up scrutiny of how well colleges educate their students.

Rough Ride for Law School Accreditor

ABA panned by Education Department panel, but its diversity standard survives.

Ethics and Patents

Yale says it is giving up some potential profits to help developing nations get HIV drugs -- and university ends up getting criticized.