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Why Did Allegheny Cut Its Chinese Program?

With little other information, the program’s lone tenured—now terminated—professor wonders if it’s about anti-Asian bias.

U of Portland Loses Students to Summer Melt

The University of Portland received deposits from almost 1,100 new students, indicating their intent to enroll in the fall. But...

Chocolate Flavor Through Fermentation: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, a Student Spotlight: Caitlin Clark, instructor and Ph.D. student in the department of food science...

U of North Dakota Will Return Native American Remains

The University of North Dakota has found Native American “human remains … believed to be partial skeletal remains from dozens of individuals.”

Temple to Rank Off-Campus Housing for Safety

The Philadelphia university is creating a database to rank rental properties near campus based on safety features. The effort, launching next month, is part of a response to crime near campus.

In Texas, an Independent University Weighs Joining a System

Four of Texas’ seven university systems want Stephen F. Austin University to join their ranks. For the unaffiliated institution, the vetting process has just begun.

Espionage! (Not)

Scott McLemee reviews Ralph Engelman and Carey Shenkman’s A Century of Repression: The Espionage Act and Freedom of the Press.

Uncloaking the Hidden Force of Whiteness

Our antiracism work on campuses often fails to examine how such pervasive, systemic whiteness protects itself, writes Michael H. Gavin.