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Academic Minute: Your Brain on Virtual Reality

Today on the Academic Minute: Bas Rokers, associate professor of psychology and director of the neuroimaging facility at New York...

Pelosi: Biden Doesn’t Have Authority to Cancel Debt

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, said Wednesday during a press briefing that President Biden doesn't...

California Governor Signs Bill on College Access

California governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation Tuesday implementing a series of measures to make college more accessible as a part...

Marquette President, Though Vaccinated, Has COVID-19

Marquette University president Michael Lovell is vaccinated against COVID-19 but was diagnosed as having the coronavirus on Tuesday. He wrote...

Duke to Require Masks for All Buildings

Duke University will require face masks to be worn in all buildings -- except dormitories -- regardless of vaccination status...

The Time for a Fresh Start

Parts of the student loan program are in dire need of reform -- and now is the perfect time to do it, according to witnesses at a Senate subcommittee hearing.

Wharton M.B.A. Class Is More Than Half Female

For the first time ever, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania has an M.B.A. class that is more...

New Presidents or Provosts: California State U-Fresno, Dominican U (Ill.), Grossmont College, Illinois State U, Massasoit CC, Modesto Junior College, Tabor College, U of Alaska-Anchorage

Santanu Bandyopadhyay, interim president of Modesto Junior College, in California, has been named to the job on a permanent basis...