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Shopping for Colleges Online

New survey suggests that prospective students rely on the Web but still want printed materials and even human interaction.

College and the Disabled Student

31% of youth with disabilities attend college in the first two years after high school, Education Department finds.

Building Boom in Biomedical Science

More than half of growth in academic research facilities is in biological or medical fields, according to the NSF.

Really Open Source

Rice U.'s Connexions, which lets professors from any campus share materials, tries to challenge traditional peer review and publishing.

No Such Thing as a Free Year

State blocks Denver educators from using high school funds to pay for tuition at a community college.

Dissing the Dalai Lama

Some researchers organize boycott of Society for Neuroscience meeting because of invitation to religious leader.

Faith, Health and the Constitution

A group that favors church-state separation challenges U. of Minnesota program on role of religion in healing.