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Much Ado About No Change

Some fret over seeming shift in Education Dept. policy on campus anti-Semitism, but U.S. says status quo holds.

Settlement in MIT Suicide Suit

Experts had hoped that legal fight would offer guidance for other colleges on liability for students with serious mental health problems.

Finding the Leaks in the Pipeline

Minority students' dropoff in science and math persistence occurs later in college years, new study suggests.

A Strike Falters

UAW and grad student leaders vow to press on, but NYU isn't wavering, many TA's are back at work and undergraduate support has lessened.

A Gift Unearths a Rift

NYU's plan for $200 million institute on antiquity renews debate over collecting of ancient objects.

Fresh Approach to Accountability

Major public universities consider a new system for measuring and comparing quality in undergraduate education.

More Alcohol Problems at Chico

University calls off women's softball season following drinking incident with recruit.