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A photo illustration including a photograph of Charles J. (Chuck) Cooper with text from the Stop WOKE Act superimposed over his face.

Florida Argues It Could Stop Professors From Criticizing Governor

A nationally prominent conservative lawyer, hired to defend the state’s Stop WOKE Act, asserted that what public university professors say in classrooms “is the government’s speech.” The national implications for academic freedom could be dire.

Cal State L.A. Shuts Down Encampment as Tensions Rise

Authorities shut down a pro-Palestinian student encampment at California State University, Los Angeles, earlier this week amid rising tensions, the...
After her graduation ceremony, the young adult daughter closes her eyes as she embraces her unrecognizable mother.

How First-Gen Mexican American Students Define Success

A recent report asks first-generation college students who are Mexican American to define what educational attainment means for them and what helps them achieve success.

Trustee Group Hires Framroze Virjee as Its New Leader

The Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges has hired Framroze M. Virjee, president emeritus of California State University...

Harassment Investigation of USC Professor Dismissed

The University of Southern California dismissed a harassment case that was filed last fall against tenured Jewish professor John Strauss...

Former IT Director Defrauded Webster University of $2.1M

A former IT director at Webster University admitted in federal court Tuesday that he had defrauded his ex-employer and an...
A drawing of six speech bubbles, of various shades of blue, against a white background.

Better Speech Policies Start With Campus Buy-In

To prepare for the next speech crisis, colleges should seek campuswide consensus on institutional values, Karl K. Schonberg writes.

Tulane, U of San Diego Non–Tenure-Track Faculty Members Unionize

Non–tenure-track faculty members at two more private universities have voted to unionize. At Tulane University, full-time teaching faculty members voted...