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New Watchdog for Donors

New center plans to link philanthropists with colleges that share their vision, but some fund raisers aren't certain about the need for more scrutiny.

A Gay President Says 'I Do'

Like many college leaders, Ralph Hexter opens up the presidential home each fall for a party for faculty and staff...

The Platonic Ideal of Perfection

A philosophy professor at McGill University requires a perfect score to continue class on Plato -- and students complain. Prisoners chained in a cave?

Appeals Court Upholds Military Recruiting

A last attempt by professors to fight the Solomon Amendment on academic freedom grounds is turned back.

Docking a Grade for Skirting the Rules?

Responding to student pressure, the College of Business at Illinois State keeps its business-casual requirement but lessens consequences for violations.

A Worldwide Test for Higher Education?

International group is (quietly) discussing the prospect of creating a global measure of student learning outcomes at the college level.

Office Hours: Coming to a Computer Near You

The days of coming in to see the professor aren't over, but some courses at traditional colleges are experimenting with virtual office hours and help in real time.