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Should All Beliefs Be Worn on Sleeves?

Bellarmine University is divided over what to do about a student who wears a Nazi-related armband.

Left Out of the Elites

Low income, high performing students are plentiful enough that selective colleges should be able to admit more of them, study finds.

No Convictions for Al-Arian

Professor fired by U. of South Florida found not guilty on some charges, renewing debate over his dismissal and academic freedom.

9 University Presidents Issue Statement on Gender Equity

Leaders of top research institutions declare that "barriers still exist to the full participation of women."

Nobel Doubts

Two physicists ushered in quantum optics, but one got the prize -- leading some to protest.

Under Attack -- Literally -- in Kansas

Police investigate roadside assault on professor who planned course critical of intelligent design.

The Supremes Scrutinize Solomon

Justices seem inclined to uphold law that bars federal funds to campuses that restrict military recruiters.