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Call for a New 'Social Compact'

Colleges need to accept that the "social compact" between higher education and government that led to a century of growth...

Resignation at Hamilton

The professor who leads the center that invited Ward Churchill quits her administrative post.

10 Years Until Tenure

If a report issued Thursday gains momentum, the tenure clock -- and many other things about faculty career paths --...

3 Presidents Rebuke Summers

In a highly unusual move, the presidents of three leading universities issued a statement Thursday to challenge the views of...

Debating Speech -- at Hamilton and Whitewater

When Ward Churchill's scheduled appearance at Hamilton College this month was called off because of threats of violence, the debate...

Choices for Brandeis

Should a liberal arts university even think about phasing out instruction in ancient Greek?

Penn and U.S. Settle Over Research Death

The university agrees to pay $500,000 and 3 scientists accept severe restrictions on their work.

A Job Training Program Emerges

Congress offered a first glimpse Wednesday at the new federal job training program for community colleges that President Bush unveiled...