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Which Races Should We Count?

President Biden proposes that those from the Middle East and Northern Africa should get a category in the Census, plus changes for Latinos. Both changes will decrease the count of white people.

Income-Driven Repayment Overhaul ‘a Step Forward’

The Education Department received nearly 13,000 comments about its planned income-driven repayment overhaul, which it wants to carry out this year. But first, it will have to review all the comments.

Effort Isn’t Everything

Ben Paris reflects on the messages we are giving today’s students.

The Week in Admissions News

College Board defends itself; Black student attainment; Alaska scholarship isn’t working; delay in FAFSA?

Valparaiso Plans to Sell 3 Paintings Worth $20 Million

Valparaiso University plans to sell three paintings, including a work by Georgia O’Keeffe, ARTnews reported. The university said it would...

Plan to Reduce Faculty Workload Delayed Indefinitely

A plan to reduce faculty workloads at Metropolitan State University of Denver, which had been expected to take effect in...

Ruth Simmons to Leave Prairie View Earlier Than Expected

Ruth Simmons will leave the presidency of Prairie View A&M University this month, four months earlier than she had previously...