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COVID-19 Changes Plans for Next Semester

DePaul, Harvard and Stanford students won’t have in-person classes the first weeks of the semester; Penn State, UCLA and U of Southern California are considering such a move; Cornell has surge in infections; Bowie State, Towson and Tufts move finals online.

8 Steps to Prepare for a Pandemic That’s Becoming Endemic

It’s time for colleges to rethink their plans for the spring semester, write David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler, who present a path that offers a balance between safety and normalcy.

‘Feminized’ Research and Faculty Career Outcomes

A machine learning–assisted study of one million dissertations published between 1980 and 2010 found that scholars who wrote about topics...

$50M Gift for Physics at Johns Hopkins

The investor and philanthropist William H. Miller III has made a gift of $50 million to the physics and astronomy...

Texas A&M to Review Controversial Qatar Campus Proposal

Texas A&M University announced plans last week for a committee charged with reviewing a controversial proposal to reorganize the arts...

A Win for Agent-Based International Student Recruitment

The U.S. Senate passed legislation last week that would amend language in a veterans’ education act banning the use of...

Congress Allows Student Veterans to Keep Full Benefits

Congress finalized legislation Wednesday that allows student veterans taking remote classes to continue receiving full GI Bill housing benefits through...

Purdue Responds to Alleged Harassment of Chinese Student

Purdue University president Mitch Daniels sent a universitywide message last week threatening disciplinary actions against students who allegedly threatened a...