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Not in D.C. Anymore

Is John McCain the right commencement speaker for the progressive New School? Some students and professors don't think so.

Nudging the NSF on Education

The House Science Committee is set to introduce legislation that will bolster science and math education, largely through NSF at the college level.

One Size Doesn't Fit All

Student course evaluations are ubiquitous these days, whether they be at a national site like or sponsored by individual...

Ethnic Tensions in Dallas

First Latino chancellor of community college district resigns after 3 years -- amid disputes over what went wrong.

A Sobering Challenge

Lacrosse scandal leads Duke to try to change a broader culture of campus drinking. Is that realistic?

Hell No -- He Won't Go

Professors, what would you do to avoid teaching freshmen? Deans, what would you do to get senior professors teaching what...

Senatorial Peer Review

Lawmakers tell NSF what it should and shouldn't fund -- and question some grants (without bothering to talk to the researchers involved).