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Largess for Louisiana's Colleges

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco on Thursday proposed pouring more than $200 million in new funds into the state's public higher...

Data on Helicopter Parents

Students walking across campus talking on their cells are probably chatting with Mom, survey finds.

Race and Fairness

Maryland Senate's push to kill an M.B.A. program raises questions about the goals of desegregation and of state universities.

Defending Bush's Higher Ed Budget

This is one of the busiest times of year on Capitol Hill, as Congress dives headlong into the coming year's...

Threats to Rare Resource for Humanists

U. of Illinois grant program, which gives 200-plus professors awards up to $25,000 a year, could face the budget axe.

Introductory Course Makeovers

Embraced as method of making colleges more efficient, center that advocates interactive approach to 101 classes spreads its reach.

Strike Halts 2-Year College's Classes

Classes at the Community College of Philadelphia were suspended indefinitely Tuesday morning as picketers gathered at building entrances for the...