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Student Loan Default Rates Edge Up

Education Department projections suggest that the poor economy is continuing to push up the rates at which borrowers are defaulting...

Va. Attorney General Draws UVa Into Climate Change Fray

The attorney general of Virginia has ordered the University of Virginia to turn over documents as part of what he...

Public TV Takes on For-Profit Colleges

Airing tonight on PBS at 9 p.m. is Frontline's College, Inc., an hour-long look at for-profit higher education, its investors...

Part-Time Faculty Unionize at Maine Community Colleges

Part-time faculty members in Maine's community college system have voted to unionize, affiliating with the Service Employees International Union, which...

FIPSE'S Freefall Continues

A textual analysis of Education Secretary Arne Duncan's speeches would turn up innumerable uses of a few key words: reform...

No Grading, More Learning

When Duke University's Cathy Davidson announced her grading plan for a seminar she would be offering this semester, she attracted...

Scrutiny of For-Profit Recruiting at Homeless Shelters

A number of for-profit colleges are recruiting in homeless shelters, helping people there apply for federal grants and loans --...

Archbishop Objects to Seton Hall Course

The Rev. John J. Myers, archbishop of Newark, has called on Seton Hall University to reconsider a course planned for...