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Prize for Nice Professors Created at Israeli University

Moshe Yanai, an Israeli billionaire, has donated more than $10 million to the Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology for...

Scientists Get Religion

WASHINGTON – Jennifer Wiseman is an astrophysicist and a Christian. Both of those elements will come into play in her...

Berkeley Report Critiques Handling of Protest

The University of California at Berkeley on Wednesday released a report highly critical of its handling of a building takeover...

The Plagiarism Tariff

Academics in the United Kingdom have drawn up a national tariff covering penalties for student plagiarism, which could be adopted...

U. of California Seeks to Recover More Research Costs

A University of California committee has found that the university system loses as much as $300 million a year by...

Pac-10 Invites U. of Utah to Join

The Pac-10 Conference is about to have 12 members. It has invited the University of Utah to join, following an...

BP Will Fund University Research

BP has announced three grants for a total of $25 million for research on ecological issues related to the environment...