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Worldwide Gender Gap in Academic Salaries in Science

A worldwide analysis by Nature of the salaries of men and women in academic science has found that men’s salaries...

The White Noise of Accountability

Cliff Adelman explores the rhetoric and practice surrounding an oft-used phrase -- and asks readers to consider six frameworks for thinking about the word before they next utter it.

'Bad Apples' or Something More?

WASHINGTON -- Two weeks ago, the hub of the federal government’s scrutiny of for-profit higher education was the U.S. Department...

Questions About BP Gift to Cambridge

Will there be "reputational damage" for being associated with the oil company?

Cutting Community College Athletics

With no economic recovery in sight, some community college administrators are wondering what else on their campuses they can reasonably...

Court Reinstates $277M Judgment Against U. of Phoenix

A federal appeals court on Wednesday overturned a lower court's 2008 decision that shielded the Apollo Group, Inc., from a...

New Rules Proposed for Medical Residents

The 80-hour maximum work week (based on a four-week average) wouldn't be changed under proposed rules for medical residents issued...

Corporate Influence and Continuing Medical Education

Scrutiny continues to grow of the corporate influence on continuing medical education. The New York Times reported that the University...