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Good Humor Man

Mark Yudof probably didn’t think the job would come with so much tweeting. Two years into his tenure as president...

Obama Reiterates Support for DREAM Act

WASHINGTON -- President Obama called for bipartisan support of comprehensive immigration reform here Thursday in an address at American University...

Pampering or Priority?

This fall, freshmen at George Washington University will have a little work to do that their predecessors did not: cleaning...

How Not to Teach With Technology

Texas Tech officials are refusing to comment about why a professor at the university's health science center recently lost his...

How the Scholars Rate the Presidents

President Franklin D. Roosevelt held his No. 1 position in the latest poll of historians and political scientists on the...

Worldwide Academic Job Satisfaction

Professors in Malaysia and Mexico are more likely than others to be happy; British dons are not.

Another One Bites the Dust

Wayne State eliminates non-traditional college as critics wonder whether urban universities are abandoning urban students.

Colleges Removed From Climate Commitment List

The American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment -- which has more than 650 colleges committed to various environmental goals...