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Follow the Money

Delta Cost Project's newly released database will allow anyone to see where individual colleges get revenue and where it goes.

A Worldwide Look at the Social Sciences

Western universities continue to dominate the social sciences, but the disciplines are seeing significant growth in Asia and Latin America...

Postdoc Push in Canada

Canada's government has announced a new postdoctoral fellowship in which 70 awards annually will seek to attract top early career...

MidAmerica Nazarene Calls Off Immigration Event

MidAmerica Nazarene University is declining to be the host of an event on immigration that was to have featured several...

U. of Hawaii Security Breach Affects 53,000

Social Security numbers and other personal records of 53,000 faculty and staff members and visitors to the University of Hawaii's...

2-Year College to Reinstate Teams

Four months after deciding to suspend six sports teams at Diablo Valley College for budgetary reasons, the Contra Costa Community...

Unusual Research Finding From Nazi Policies at Universities

A present-day scholar uses data on the removal of Jewish scholars to study the impact of losing high-caliber mentors.

How to Test Writing

The College Board has revamped the tests used by students at many colleges to either place out of introductory composition...