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Male Pioneers at Moore College of Art

Philadelphia's Moore College of Art has its first male students, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported. For the last 162 years, the...

Job Satisfaction and Gender

Numerous studies have pointed to a gap in job satisfaction between men and women in academe, with men generally happier...

Governors Push College Completion

President Obama has used his bully pulpit to focus attention on the "college completion" agenda like no one else can...

Removing an Honor

Thomas D. Russell, a professor of law at the University of Denver, said that his friends have varying reactions to...

Deciding Not to Ask

Amid fears of a possible “double-dip” recession and simmering anti-tax sentiment, community colleges with pressing facilities needs are deciding they...

Possible Gift to SUNY Linked to Tuition Legislation

A possible gift to the State University of New York at Stony Brook is yet another factor in the ongoing...

Why Was Investment Firm Going After For-Profit Colleges?

For-profit colleges were embarrassed recently by reports about some institutions recruiting students in homeless shelters, attracting students with little chance...

War of Words Over Dana

The accreditor of Dana College wants the world to know that it didn't revoke recognition of the college or order...