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Private Partners

SAN FRANCISCO – With resources drying up and debt mounting at many colleges, the idea of letting private developers finance...

Policing Plagiarism Abroad

It’s not uncommon for colleges to discontinue academic programs overseas for financial reasons. But Centenary College, in New Jersey, is...

Competitive Cheerleading Advocates Undeterred

A federal judge's ruling last week that a Connecticut university cannot use competitive cheerleading to meet its federal Title IX...

Money Matters

The University of California campuses are known for top doctoral programs, but two new reports on graduate students suggest that...

A Critique of the Cuts

"Oh be still my beating heart... I just fell in love again. Was that a shawl Eva was wearing, or...

Getting to Know the CFO

SAN FRANCISCO – The ever-growing population of college chief financial officers is dominated by well-educated, middle-aged white men who clash...

Union Voted Down at Art Institute of Seattle

Faculty members at the Art Institute of Seattle have voted down a proposed union, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported. Faculty members...

New DVD Copyright Exemption for Educational Purposes

The U.S. Copyright Office on Monday promulgated a number of new exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, including one...