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Another Academic Freedom Debate in Israel

A right-wing group is calling on Israel's Ben Gurion University to alter its political science department -- accused by the...

Gay Kiss Roils South African University

Kiss-ins involving pairs of men and women wouldn't stun many American campuses, but at Stellenbosch University, a very traditional Afrikaans...

Delays for Cal Grants

Many California students are getting ready to start the academic year without Cal Grants, the state's primary student aid program...

A Graphic Text

A Texas Tech professor replaces traditional textbooks with a cartoon story -- and finds that students respond. Buys Course Selection Site, which has become a major player in the book rental market for college students, on Thursday announced the purchase...

4 Win Fields Medals

Four scholars were named Thursday as winners of Fields Medals, awarded every four years during meetings of the International Congress...

'Scoreboard, Baby'

College football is so notorious a breeding ground for controversy that it's difficult even to say what constitutes a scandal...

Abandoning an Experiment

Rice U. shuts down its digital university press -- going against recommendations of outside reviewers. With 2 other presses closing, some see growing vulnerability for small outfits.