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Duking It Out on 'Gainful Employment'

WASHINGTON – After more than a year of wrangling, the last chance for colleges, associations and individuals to weigh in...

Borrowing From Bologna

Lumina proposes "qualifications profile" -- modeled on Europe's -- designed to set U.S. standard for what students must know and do to earn associate through master's degrees.

Key Win for Student Press

Federal judge agrees that state law can give college newspapers the First Amendment protections that a controversial 2005 appeals court decision limited.

Open-Source Lecture Capture

An educational technology collective releases a free alternative in a booming market.

Texas Tech Provost Wants For-Profit Faculty Rosters

Bob Smith, provost of Texas Tech University, heard his counterpart at the University of Phoenix say this summer that many...

Colleges See Increases in Health Insurance Costs

Colleges saw average increases of 6.7 percent for employee coverage and 7 percent for employee/family coverage in the most commonly...

Momentum for Non-Cognitive Reviews

ETS -- rebuffed by College Board -- pilots standardized letters of recommendation for undergraduate admissions; Notre Dame's MBA program is first to require this kind of recommendation; law school group adopts own approach.

Anger at Texas Southern Over Painted-Over Murals

Students and artists at Texas Southern University are angry that President John Rudley had workers paint over two murals in...