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How High a Summit?

Community college officials are not expecting huge impact (or more money) from White House gathering.

Commonality Across Countries

At global meeting on higher education, parallels -- cutbacks, tough questions on quality, stubbornness of status quo -- overpower the historical differences.

Fear Under the Sheets

As some colleges face bedbug infestations in dormitories, many others consider ways to prevent such outbreaks.

Revised Regulations on ADA

The Justice Department on Wednesday published revised regulations on certain aspects of the Americans With Disabilities Act, dealing with some...

New Methodology Boosts U.S. Universities in World Ranking

During a year in which the University of California at Berkeley faced deep budget cuts, furloughs and student unrest, did...

Should Harvard Honor Martin Peretz?

Some at Harvard University question whether the university should honor Martin Peretz, the editor of The New Republic, in light...

Labor Leaders Criticize Plans for U. of California Retirement Benefits

Labor leaders are criticizing plans by the University of California to require a greater employee contribution to the pension fund...

Principles for Evaluating Graduate Programs

Higher education leaders from 17 countries on Wednesday announced agreement on a set of principles for evaluating quality in master's...