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High Bar to Sue on Harassment Rules

Federal appeals court rejects suit by student whose professor criticized his views opposing gay marriage.

Tough Times for Irish Higher Education

Irish universities are facing a crisis related to budgets and quality as they have been forced to eliminate positions at...

A Death Benefit Lives On

Facing a retiree uproar, Dartmouth backtracks on plan to eliminate an unusual payout to the families of deceased employees.

Ditching Fall Semester

U. of Florida considers giving incoming students option of taking classes during spring and summer terms only — throughout their time at the university.

Michigan Debates 4-Year Degrees at Community Colleges

The Michigan House of Representatives passed a bill that would allow community colleges to offer bachelor's degrees in nursing, culinary...

U. of Wyoming Rejects Idea of Policy on Speakers

The University of Wyoming is not going to adopt a policy on guest speakers, despite recent controversies involving some invited...

Do Students Listen to Others' Views?

The world of academe is generally considered a marketplace of ideas. But its customers may do more one-stop shopping than...