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'Fair Use' and ... Football?

Feel free to walk with a bit more of a strut today, all you librarians: A bunch of big strong...

What Motivates International Students?

Survey finds different priorities send them to different destinations.

Bandwidth Gap Grows Between Doctorate and Other Institutions

The technology infrastructure of postsecondary institutions continues to improve -- but the gap between doctorate and nondoctorate institutions, as measured...

Western Governors U. Chief Wins McGraw Education Prize

The president of Western Governors University is one of three recipients of the 2010 McGraw Prize in Education, which this...

Promoting Higher Ed Cooperation Between Europe and Africa

A new white paper suggests better ways to promote collaboration in higher education between European and African institutions. The paper...

For-Profits Battle on Many Fronts

Sector turns to ads, rallies and big Washington names to fight Congress and the Obama administration.

Who's Teaching the Teachers?

When it comes to teacher education, pragmatism beats idealism. But most education professors -- save for a small minority --...

You're Not No. 1

WASHINGTON -- The advance briefing for reporters covering Tuesday's release of the National Research Council's ratings of doctoral programs may...