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Encouraging Deep Learning

Annual survey of community college students reveals that many do not engage in critical thinking often enough to generate classroom success.

Study Posits Higher Cost of Education at 2-Year Colleges

Master's-level four-year colleges may cost states less to educate students in their first two years than do community colleges, a...

UT Pulls Plug on Partnership

Citing Texas Southmost board's failure to ratify new agreement, University of Texas regents terminate deal with two-year college with which it shares a campus.

For-Profit Keiser U. Ends Suit Against Community College

Keiser University and Florida State College at Jacksonville agreed late Tuesday to dismiss the lawsuit that the for-profit institution filed...

The Pressure to Prioritize

Small college provosts and business officers are urged to shun across-the-board cuts and instead reallocate money from weaker to stronger programs.

Canadian Study Finds Lower Dropout Rates for Immigrants and Minority Students

A Canadian study concludes that immigrant students and what it calls "visible minorities" are less likely than are other students...

The State of the Rankings

Efforts to evaluate universities from around the world may be flawed, but they aren't going away so they need to be understood, writes Philip G. Altbach.

Gunshots in the Distance

U. of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College deal with escalating violence in nearby Mexico.