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Give Back That Scholarship

Former Arizona State baseball coach asked players to give back athletics aid to bring on new recruits, NCAA investigation finds.

Columbia Ups Campaign Target to $5 Billion

The economic downturn of the last two years has challenged many colleges completing multi-year fund-raising campaigns -- especially those that...

Tuition Fallout in Britain

Government may be forced to regulate if too many institutions charge maximum.

He Won't Censor Himself

Shit happens. That's reality, according to Daniel Petersen, who has taught philosophy for 21 years at Hawaii Community College and...

Senators Defeat Proposal to Kill Support for Aid Offices

Deficit hawks in the U.S. Senate seeking to force their colleagues to offset the costs of extending the Bush-era tax...

A Curricular Innovation, Examined

Reformers herald StraighterLine's approach to low-cost college courses as a game-changer. But a months-long review raises significant concerns about quality.

Reformed Medical Curriculum Improves Minority Success Levels

Reforms in the medical school curriculum may have a dramatic impact on the success rates of minority medical students, according...