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Florida Judge Says Legislature Has Tuition-Setting Authority

A state judge in Florida ruled Thursday that the Legislature and not a new higher education board has the right...

Cuomo Sets Up Student Loan Center

Just before leaving office as New York State's attorney general and becoming the state's governor, Andrew M. Cuomo announced the...

Law School Meeting Latest to Face Union Protest

The Association of American Law Schools is facing the prospect of a protest at its annual meeting in San Francisco...

Italian Parliament Approves Controversial University Reforms

Italy's parliament gave final approval in December to a controversial set of reforms for the nation's universities, The Wall Street...

Impact of Women on Search Committees

Researchers in Spain, using rare opportunity to study randomly selected hiring and promotion panels, find gender split affects who gets full professor (but not associate) positions.

Expanded View of Travel Liability

Court holds Ohio university liable for deaths of students in accident in rented bus -- a break with how most courts have ruled.

Job Freefall, Job Recovery

Open positions in history suffer another sharp decline, while searches in economics see a strong rebound.

Pell Grants Seen as Target for Cuts

Congress and many state legislatures will convene for their 2011 terms within the next week, with one overriding priority dominating...