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Montreal University Defends Another Presidential Departure

Board members at Montreal's Concordia University, after two weeks of silence, acknowledged Monday that they had forced out their second...

The Web of Babel

Online-only language courses might be controversial, but some have found Web 2.0 to be a boon for language instruction.

'Sad Day For California'

A draconian budget plan laid out Monday by California Gov. Jerry Brown would slash higher education along with other already...

Business Metaphor Still Ascendant

Historians lament "crisis" in higher education -- and many blame a corporate-minded ethos.

Organizing Adjuncts at a Catholic College

NLRB ruling backs collective bargaining at Manhattan, rejecting claims that unionization would infringe on its religious identity.

Rowan Pays President $600,000 to Leave Early

Rowan University has agreed to pay Donald Farish, who had announced plans to leave when his contract expires in June...

500 Students Told (Incorrectly) That They Flunked Out

California State University at Los Angeles incorrectly told about 500 students that their grades were too low to allow them...

An Open, Digital Professoriat

At MLA, scholars argue for the power of the web and social media to create a new generation of public intellectuals.