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For Love of Longform

Digital journal aggregators move en masse to join Google in making full-length books available in searchable archives.

Yale Error Leaves Employees With Domestic Partners With Extra Taxes

Yale failed to withhold taxes for the medical benefits for partners that its employees with same-sex partners receive from the...

Taiwan Bars Chinese Students From Some Programs

Taiwan, which last year announced that its universities could admit students from China, has barred those students from certain academic...

The Gender Gap on Service

New study examines the points in their careers when academic women get more assignments than men -- and how those assignments may hold them back.

Academic Minute: Missile Defense

In today’s Academic Minute, Pepperdine University's Robert Kaufman explores the need for continued research into missile defense. Find out more...

JSTOR Plans to Add Full-Length Books to Its Offerings

The subscription-based research database JSTOR, which contains backlogs of scholarly articles going back centuries, has announced plans to begin adding...

Students Crave Self-Esteem Boosts Above All, Research Finds

A new study in the Journal of Personality finds that college students crave boosts in self-esteem -- such as receiving...

Montreal University Defends Another Presidential Departure

Board members at Montreal's Concordia University, after two weeks of silence, acknowledged Monday that they had forced out their second...