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N.C. Community Colleges May Bar Students Who Raise Safety Issues

North Carolina's State Board for Community Colleges voted Friday to permit community colleges in the state to bar the enrollment...

Movement and Controversy Over Louisiana Merger Idea

The Louisiana Board of Regents is moving ahead with a study of a possible merger of Southern Louisiana at New...

Peer Review by Twitter

As social media tools are increasingly used to respond to scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals, many researchers are frustrated...

Campaign Donations and Board Appointments

More than two-thirds of the people appointed to the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees by the current governor and...

Dutch Students Protest Cuts to Universities

Thousands of Dutch students protested Friday against planned government cuts to universities, Dutch News reported. Students have particularly objected to...

Retention Ups and Downs

First- to second-year retention rates are edging up at community colleges, and down at four-year colleges, according to an analysis...

What the Republican Budget Hawks Would Eliminate

The Republican Study Committee -- a G.O.P. caucus focused on cutting federal spending -- on Thursday unveiled its plans to...

Bonuses and Raises Amid U. of California Cuts

Past and future budget cuts have been the focus of this week's meetings of the University of California Board of...