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Notre Dame Will End Use of Elevated Scissor Lifts

The University of Notre Dame has announced that it will use remote video, rather than elevated scissor lifts on which...

Defeat for Academic Labor

Senate Republicans in Wisconsin find way to pass governor's plan to bar or limit most collective bargaining in public sector.

Federal Judge Limits Use of FERPA

U.S. court says federal student privacy law does not forbid University of Illinois from releasing records about applicants.

'Courses of Interest' for Athletes

Stanford University on Wednesday found itself in an unaccustomed place: in the middle of a new media maelstrom about whether...

Oregon State Rebuts Local Politician's Charges About Treatment of His Children

Oregon State University strongly defended itself Tuesday against a local politician's highly publicized charges that the university is trying to...

A 'Roadmap' for Increasing Latino Students' Success in College

Excelencia in Education is releasing later today a report designed to lay out a path to increase Latino degree attainment...

The Distance Administrator

U. of Kentucky will allow director of CASTLE to run the educational technology outreach center from his own castle -- 700 miles away.

Study Abroad in North Korea

As country opens somewhat to American students, proponents describe unprecedented opportunities for exchange, while critics wonder ask if restrictions raise questions about academic legitimacy.