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2 Options Presented for New Orleans Universities

A consultant charged with studying a possible merger of Southern University at New Orleans and the University of New Orleans...

American Council on Education and Pearson to Overhaul GED

The American Council on Education, which administers the GED testing program, announced today that it will join with Pearson PLC...

Tax Break Could Save Arizona For-Profit Colleges Millions

With Arizona set to impose more budget cuts on its public colleges, legislators in the state are considering legislation that...

Quebec Fines McGill $2 Million for High MBA Tuition

Quebec's education minister on Monday fined McGill University $2 million for exceeding government-set limits on the tuition that institutions in...

Arkansas State Is Latest NCAA Case to Reveal Academic Fraud

The National Collegiate Athletic Association and Arkansas State University agreed on Friday that a former university official engaged in academic...

The Academic Performance Tournament

Back by popular demand, Inside Higher Ed plays the Division I NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament based on the academic performance of each team.

Nevada Regents Reject Campus Closures to Erase Deficit

The board that governs Nevada's higher education system on Friday rejected the possibility of shutting campuses to close the enormous...

Educators See Federal Overreach

Discussion of forthcoming federal definition of "credit hour" and expanding state authorization requirements shows lawmakers on both sides of aisle share worry about too much regulation.