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To Profs, YouTube Tops Twitter

Survey documents faculty members' use of and views of various social media.

Oxford Clashes with Prime Minister Over Enrollment of Black Students

University of Oxford officials found themselves in the uncomfortable position of publicly debating with Britain's prime minister over his assertion...

Change of Leadership at AAUP

Following a vote not to renew his contract, Gary Rhoades is expected to leave position as general secretary.

String of Suicides at Korean University

The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, one of Korea's top universities, has seen four student suicides since January...

Creation and Accreditation

A Seventh-day Adventist university in California must resolve a dispute about teaching evolution in its biology classes or risk losing its status with the church.

So Far, So Good for Trial Measures

Community colleges piloting Voluntary Framework of Accountability say they see value in project but complain of difficulty collecting data.

Skimming the Surface

Study of freshman research papers suggests students don't really understand the sources they cite.

Australian Universities Focus on Indigenous Students

Leading Australian universities are creating new positions to recruit and retain indigenous students, The New York Times reported. Indigenous people...