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Why Academics Suffer Burnout

Survey finds high stress levels for those who work in higher education, and especially for younger scholars -- all over the world.

What's 'Good Enough'?

A regional accreditor pushes the boundaries of how to assess its colleges and universities -- including a focus on how they measure student learning.

From 'Reset' to Tech Transfer

WASHINGTON -- A major foreign policy goal of the Obama administration has been to "reset" U.S.-Russian relations, building ties between...

Students Say UC Davis Is Spying on Them

The American Civil Liberties Union and some students are charging the University of California at Davis with spying on protesters...

Liberty U. Blocked Newspaper's Website

Liberty University last week temporarily blocked access to a local newspaper, The News & Advance, from the campus network, the...

U. of Illinois Plans to Appeal Court's Privacy Law Ruling

The University of Illinois on Tuesday said it would appeal a federal judge's ruling last month that, if upheld, could...

Academic Minute: Politics and 'The Twilight Zone'

In today’s Academic Minute, Hofstra University's Leslie Feldman discusses television’s long history of weaving philosophical and political ideas into the...

Separate and Unequal

The plight of the faculty's invisible majority -- adjuncts -- takes center stage at collective bargaining conference.