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Earth Day Critique and Celebration

The National Association of Scholars, which advocates for a traditional curriculum and against what it sees as political correctness, marked...

Iowa Prof Uses F-Word to Answer Republicans

Ellen Lewin, a professore of anthropology and gender, women's and sexuality studies at the University of Iowa, is under fire...

Academic Minute: Easter Through History

In today's Academic Minute, Mount Saint Mary College's Charles Zola examines the meaning of Easter to Christians through history and...

'Breathing Room' on State Authorization

WASHINGTON -- The Education Department did not go nearly as far as college leaders would have liked in backing away...

Drake Provost, Differing With President, Quits

The provost of Drake University, Michael Renner, announced Tuesday that he would step down next month because of differences with...

Newly Tenured ... at Bates, Saint Rose, Suffolk

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Bates College --Helen C. Boucher, psychology--Gina A...

Harvard Bars Prof From Another Year of Teaching

Marc Hauser, a Harvard University psychology professor who the university determined committed scientific misconduct, will be barred from teaching for...

Faculty No Longer

Librarians at a Texas community college district chafe as new hires are deemed professional staff instead of faculty.