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After the Review

U. of Missouri-St. Louis deems controversial video of labor management class to be ‘highly distorted.’

Saint Paul's Will End Its Athletics Program

Saint Paul's College, in Virginia, announced Tuesday that it will eliminate its entire intercollegiate athletic program as a money-saving move...

Examining the AAU Gatekeepers

In wake of Nebraska's ouster and Syracuse's decision to leave research university group, some institutions look over their shoulders, and other experts question membership criteria.

Law School Dropouts

Decisions by University of Delaware and other colleges to scrap law school plans highlight the difficulty of recouping high start-up costs.

NCAA Opens Up On Enforcement

Collegiate sports body hosts event for media intended to demystify what it says is its often "misunderstood" process of finding and penalizing institutions that break rules.

Who Controls a Grant?

Florida State allows donor-approved board right to veto hires. Did university give away too much? Does it matter that a Koch brother is involved?

Education for the Emergency Room

Medical education associations and foundations and push common skills that will allow doctors, nurses and other health care professionals to work better together.